

Successful Buy Back of Equity Shares through Tender Offer Route


KAMA Holdings Limited (holding Company of SRF Limited) is a Core Investment Company (CIC) as per the Core Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2011 and operates mainly in the business segment of Investment activity.

SBICAPS – Role in the Transaction & Value Add

  • Comprehensive engagement and assistance right from the planning stage till completion
  • Carefully planned the overall Buyback structure and executed the transaction to client’s requirement
    and satisfaction.
  • Handholding client throughout the process, including:
    – Guiding on the overall process and launch timing
    – Deciding on the intermediaries to be appointment
    – Probable pricing, based on the performance of stock price and past precedents
    – Advising on and solving various regulatory issues and hurdles
  • Persuaded the client to have financials of September 2022 audited to reach the desired size:
    – The offer size calculated on the audited financials of FY 2021-22 was less than the one envisaged by
    the Company.
    – Post comprehensive discussion backed by analysis of precedents, we persuaded the Company to
    have a Special Purpose Audit for September 2022, to reach the envisaged size.
  • Advised on probable Offer Price based on precedents.
  • Structured the Buyback to mitigate potential breach of MPS:
    – Considering pre-Buyback promoter shareholding of 75%, suggested compulsory participation by
    Promoters to address possible breach.
    – Discussed the methods of reducing the holding to less than the stipulated limit after the Offer,
    foreseeing the breach of limit.
  • Advised on the Optimal method of buyback to be followed, based on situation requirement:
    Since the Promoters were required to participate in the Offer, we suggested to follow Tender Offer Route
  • One point Coordinator ensuring smooth execution of the transaction.

Deal Summary:

Size (in amount) INR 500.25 Mn
Price (per equity share) INR 14,500
Response 316.86%
Method Tender Offer

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