A smart future supported by sound infrastructure
SBICAP prides itself on being the first choice among policymakers for undertaking strategic advisory projects and transactions of national importance. We are the leading project advisor for infrastructure projects in the country.
We bring domain expertise in crucial segments including power, oil and gas, metal and mining, roads and ports, railways, and telecom, to fund and guide India’s infrastructure development. As trusted advisors in policy matters, our teams work closely with India’s state and central government ministries on key projects that impact the country’s growth. We assist on fund-raising, strategic sale, and other advisory transactions while engaging regularly with leading Public Sector Enterprises and regulatory bodies.
A pioneer in the Indian project finance segment, SBICAP drove many firsts including privatization in the sector, reserve-based lending, and securitization in the power sector. Our dedicated Government Advisory and Disinvestment team too has executed numerous first-of-its-kind projects, including various G to G and strategic disinvestments.
Advisory for auction of Licence rights for Taj Mansingh hotel.
Transaction advisory to various states for auction of major and minor minerals.
SBICAP partners with the Government of India (GoI) in its fund-raising initiatives, helping enhance shareholder wealth for both the Government and investors. We have listed many CPSEs on the stock exchanges, enabling them to augment their capital while creating monetizing opportunities for the GoI. SBICAP has assisted the GoI in minority stake sales through the stock exchange route for compliance with minimum public shareholding norms. Key deals include:
Offer for Sale of Coal India, Hindustan Copper, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, NMDC, and HUDCO.
Public Offers of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bharat Dynamics Limited, Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, HUDCO, RITES, IRCON International Limited, IRCTC, IRFC and Railtel.
In line with the extant CPSE policy, the Government of India intends to consolidate its holdings in the strategic sectors and exit the non-strategic sectors. SBICAP has been at the forefront of strategic disinvestments, both, within the CPSE to CPSE segment, as well as sale of equity and transfer of management control to private hands.
Buy-side advisory to Chennai Port Trust for acquisition of entire GOI stake in Kamarajar Port Limited – transaction value INR 2,383 crore.
Buy-side advisory to a consortium of 4 port trusts led by the Vishakapatnam Port Trust for the acquisition of GoI stake in Dredging Corporation of India Limited. – transaction value INR 1,049.17 crore.

Corporate Social Responsibility
The best investments are those that transform lives. As responsible corporate citizens, we deploy our resources to bring opportunity and prosperity for all sections of the society.